Installing with Composer

1. Go to the page of Triggmine extension:

2. Follow the standard instructions for extensions via Composer to instal Magento 2:

Installing from ZIP-archive

1. Go to our official Magento 2 public repository:

2. Download it as a ZIP. 

3. Put the ZIP-archive into the root directory and unpack it. To unpack, run the command in Magento root: sudo unzip

4. Then, run the command in Magento root: php bin/magento module:enable Triggmine_Connector

This will let Magento know about the module.

5. Run the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade in Magento root. This will ensure any installer scripts we may have are executed properly and store the current data version.

6. Run the command php bin/magento setup:di:compile if you have a single website and store, or php bin/magento setup:di:compile-multi-tenant if you have multiple ones.

PLEASE NOTE: DI configuration must be cleared before running compiler. Please delete /var/di , clear the cache and code generation directories.
For clearing, run the command in Magento root: sudo rm -rf var/di var/generation/* var/cache/* var/page_cache/* var/view_preprocessed/* var/composer_home/cache/*

7. For clearing cache run the command php bin/magento cache:clean and php bin/magento cache:flush

Installing in Web Setup Wizard

1. Go to the page of Triggmine extension:

2. Follow the standard instructions for installing extensions via Web Setup Wizard to instal Magento 2: