After a successful user registration, the information about the user should be transmitted.

History: A new user of the resource was successfully registered

Transmission method: POST

Format: JSON

URL: /api/events/prospect/registration


  "device_id": string (device hash, can be retrieved from the FingerprintJS library),
  "device_id_1": string (device ID, can be retrieved from the ClientJS library),
  "customer_id": string ,
  "customer_first_name": string ,
  "customer_last_name": string ,
  "customer_email": string ,
  "customer_date_created": string 


  "device_id": "4c3d48512d48b2603092b5a45ba74c8c",
  "device_id_1": "465060737",
  "customer_id": "980",
  "customer_first_name": "Max",
  "customer_last_name": "Riabchynskyi",
  "customer_email": "",
  "customer_date_created": "2016-09-08 10:20:37"